About Alexander Technique

Do you suffer from neck or lower back pain, or shoulder tightness? Do you find yourself clenching your teeth? Do you get tension headaches?

Do ingrained physical habits limit your range of motion? 

Does performing make you anxious?

Does your life feel like a breathless, relentless to-do list? Do you feel like the subject of a run-on sentence?

Perhaps the mantra “no pain, no gain” does not serve us well. Constant forcing and striving can lead to injury and burnout, limiting our potential. 

Taking a moment to breathe, and inserting a bit of space before diving into activity, can invite more easeful and coordinated movement. 

The Alexander Technique (AT) is a method of addressing bodily ailments and pain with mindfulness and observation. Through awareness of one’s less effective habits of movement, AT offers a path of conscious choice. 

AT teaches that we are the primary instrument in whatever activity we undertake.  We learn how to recognize the full length of our spine and to balance our head on top of a free neck, minimizing compression of our vertebrae. As we find our inner balance, we experience a new integration with the space around us.  AT encourages us to expand—physically, mentally and even emotionally—so that we can approach our lives with greater ease, poise and freedom.
