About Diane

Diane Bruce has been a professional violinist for over 40 years. She holds a Bachelors and Masters degrees from The Juilliard School in violin performance. With her music career, Diane has toured in Europe and Asia and performed regularly at Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Radio City, as well as on Broadway. In the summers she is Principal Second Violin in the Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra.

After studying the Alexander Technique privately for many years, Diane decided that she would like to become a teacher. She spent two years at American Center for the Alexander Technique and her last year of training at the Riverside Institute for the Alexander Technique (RIAT). To qualify for teacher certification with American Society of Alexander Technique she completed 1,600 hours of instruction. Additionally, Diane has taken the Developing Self Education Training Course and is certified to teach the Alexander Technique at the elementary through high school levels.

Diane has been assisting Cynthia Reynolds in her Alexander Technique for Musicians class at the Mannes School of Music at The New School since January 2019. She has been assisting Kim Jessor in her Alexander Technique for Acting class at NYU Tisch School of the Arts since September 2019. Additionally, Diane has assisted Hope Martin in the Alexander Technique and Meditation class at the Open Center. Diane volunteers her time and expertise for the RIAT teacher training program and teaches at RIAT CORPS, which offers low-cost Alexander Technique lessons to those who could not otherwise afford it.
